HEAT nation

In the summer of 2014, LeBron James announced he was returning to Cleveland. I led the creative strategy and wrote the brand manifesto that powered the HEAT Nation campaign, a multimedia and environmental response, call-to-arms, and love letter to South Florida and HEAT Fans everywhere.

Creative Direction
Brand strategy

Written by HEAT CMO Michael McCullough and me
Produced by Gil Green and 305 Films

ART DIRECTION: Manuel Fabian
PHOTOGRAPHY: David Alvarez


heat nation creative direction

The Miami HEAT is bigger than any single player … [and] the HEAT identity will never change. From the beginning, we have broken the mold, ... unbound by a rigid set of rules. Our brand is jazz. Sometimes we are the technical intensity of John Coltrane. Sometimes we are the smooth brilliance of Miles Davis. ... Each HEAT season is a riff on the same time signatures and notes. A masterpiece painted using a single palette…

The 2014-15 season presents us with a rare opportunity. A fresh start. A blank canvas. It is our responsibility now to make sure they hear us loud and clear…Sport creates a sense of belonging. A shared experience. People remember moments in sport for their entire lives. Twenty years on, strangers relive memories in airport bars or with friends around a bonfire. Sport can lift cities ravaged by disasters and tragedy.Sports fandom is less entertainment; it’s more like being part of a Nation. There is a shared sense of belonging. Fans live and die by the success of their favorite team. Sport can make your year or ruin your week.

But a Nation endures. In good times and bad, a Nation waves its flag, a physical metaphor for a shared identity.

The borders of HEAT Nation now span the globe, reminding us that a king does not make his country; a Nation's worth is measured by its people and their pride. We've raised banners. Now it's time to plant our flag.

executions + COLLATERAL

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